Rajan Ladwa

Mamoru / Junior Software DeveloperTokyo, Japan

Rajan Ladwa

Mamoru / Junior Software Developer

Who am I?

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with a background in teaching.


Junior Software Developer現在

- 現在

- Debug and fix errors that impact User Experience. - Take ownership of creating new features. - Work independently or collaboratively to help with new implementations and bug fixes.

Le Wagon Tokyo1年間

Teaching Assistant現在

- 現在

- Skills - Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Stimulus, SQL, GitHub, Heroku. - Assistant teacher dedicated to teaching best practice for writing clean code.

Tokyo International School Group6年間

Kindergarten English Teacher


- Create lessons that are both enjoyable and engaging for students aged between 2-11 years old. - Communicate concepts in an easy to understand manner, using gestures and visual aids. - Create and maintain relationship with different students, families and school

Le Wagon Tokyo7ヶ月

Web Development Course


24-week part-time intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku, Ruby on Rails

City University London4年間

Journalism and Psychology



  • Ruby

  • JavaScript

  • Git

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Leadership

  • HTML、CSS、Positive thinking 他18件


  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
