
Cybersecurity specialist looking for a Japanese internship

Welcome on my profile !






I have a strong interest towards studying or working internationally, and I love traveling, so I am strongly considering working abroad. I have found Japan to be a great country, and I am considering pursuing a career there.


Computer science engineer (Specialized in cybersecurity, systems and networks)


My cursus at the Enseirb-Matmeca gave me a variety of knowledge on many areas of computer science. I decided to choose a major in cybersecurity, an ANSSI (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems) certified formation (SecNumEdu) which gives me some solid bases for working in this domain.

  • SecNumEdu
  • In charge of the communication of the Board Game and Role-playing club

    I was part of the Foyer (the Board Game and Role-playing club) as the responsible of the communication. This club is one, if not the, most popular club in the school, totaling more than 50 regular members. My roles were: - Keeping all the students informed through all our communication channels (Telegram, Facebook and by mail) - Managing the discussion server of our club on Discord As the interface between the club and the students, I used to communicate weekly with a column, presenting every week a new game available in the Foyer, picked from my personal preferences or the most popular games from the Foyer. I wanted it to be an introduction to the contents of the Foyer for newcomers, as well as a way to present games they may not know to regular members.

  • Vice-presidence of the Game Creation Club (GCC)

    I was the vice-president for the Game Creation Club. My responsibilities were mostly to help lighten the burden of the president, and includes: - Occasionally communicating with some of my team members were they unresponsive, and did some occasional communication in the place of the responsible for communication - Was in contact with the Art Club in order to refresh the club's logo and produce new polo for the club's bureau - Helped in the organization of a Game Jam with a foreign school specialized in digital communication for a week-end, with the support of the school's administration The website linked is in French



Intern in the research and development department


Search of use-cases in the world of digitization and development of an application for storing a file’s fingerprint using a REST API.

Grenoble Regional Music School4年間

3rd Cycle in Accordion / 2nd Cycle in lyrical singing


I have been playing accordion and singing for many years. The Music School of Grenoble provided me with a high-quality formation in accordion and lyrical singing.

Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory2ヶ月

Intern in the MUDAMO team


Conceived and realized a serious game to gather data aimed at the development of an accurate behavior simulation during earthquakes disaster.


  • フランス語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
