
● Experience in Golang development and Kubernetes operation for 3 years, and 5 more years of iOS development experience. ● Enthusiastic in the distributed system, intermediate stage about distributed consensus protocol, such as Raft. ● Strong communication and critical thinking skills with the ability to work effectively in high-pressure situations.

BP. K. K.4年間

Junior Manager現在

- 現在

EOS is a blockchain developed by block.one team, which needs to be maintained by 21 block producers around the world. BP.K.K is one of the top 21 block producers based in Tokyo, which uses “eoslaomao” as the block producers' name.

Big ONE(​big.one​)​1年間

Senior Developer


Big.one is a cryptocurrency trading platform. As a team leader of the mobile application development team when first joined, and then transferred to the infrastructure group of the backend development team.


Mobile App Development Team Leader


Shanbay.com is one of the largest English education platforms in China, it has six major applications, and its user reached nearly 100 million nowadays. Joined shanbay.com as an intern in 2014, and served as Mobile Application Team Leader i


  • Kubernetes

  • Go

  • Swift

  • Git

  • Google Cloud Platform

