
Sylvia Xiao RinRin

スリープログループ / IT multiple support team東京都 江戸川区

Sylvia Xiao RinRin

スリープログループ / IT multiple support team

Graduated as Bachelor of Economics from Chinese National Capital University of Economics and Business,School of Finance.Moved to Japan in Oct,2015 to study Japanese language in ARC Academy for 1 year and a half,got JLPT N1 level approved and now completing Master of Business at Rikkyo University,Graduate School of Business.



Looking for an international working environment. Work with awesome people and do something helpful to this society/world. インターナショナルな仕事環境を探しています。 素晴らしいひとたちと一緒にこの社会、世界に何か貢献したいです。

立教大学 Rikkyo University

Master of Business

I'm woking on a research of value co-creation between firms and customers in marketing aspects. also studying expert knowledge in management theory and practice, the ability of identifying and developing opportunities in a range of industries involving Japan and the Asia/P

Next Frontier inc

Intern,Sales Department

Assisted seniors to find potential foreign clients and arrange meetings.

Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China

International Business & Finance 経済学学士

As my graduation paper,I researched the influence of real exchange rate of Chinese yuan on China export-import trade.The statistics result shows that the rising of RMB real exchange rate would have a negative impact on import and export trade.

Guangzhou Securities Co., Ltd.3ヶ月

Intern,Debt Financing Department


Participated the client meetings and went through the (negotiation) process of project determination and assisted seniors to structure the financing conditions of clients and prepare transaction documents.

China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited3ヶ月

Intern,Credit Department


Analyzed audit reports to get critical information for further determination about the credit status of small business and Involved in drafting a small business credit declaration, examined and verified each company’s situation respectively.


IT multiple support team(インターン)現在

Solve IT technique problem to customers of hotel, dormitory, apartment etc,also corporate with Japanese engineers and associate with Internet service company by e-mail.

立教大学 Rikkyo University

Teacher Assistant現在

Assisted Professor with research and teaching on Financial Accounting and Basic Management Theory class


  • 学習欲

  • マネージメント

  • チームビルディング

  • 翻訳

  • ポジティブ

  • リーダーシップ、分析、カメラ 他1件



  • 北京語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 日本語 - ビジネス会話レベル
