
Ruby Samurai

"Mohammad Rifat" Sami Hammad A 27 Years old Full Stack Web Developer Born in Aqaba, Jordan. A beautiful place by the sea. He currently enjoys living in Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan. Rifat enjoys working in areas where complexity, creativity and high quality are the standar

  • Testello

    Testello is a pre-Hiring assessment solution, aimed at helping HR officers make smarter hiring decisions.

  • Testello API

    An API that was build specifically for Testello project, a pre-hiring assessment solution, that I've built while I was working in Boundless Drop.



I want to learn as much as I can about startups, business, and improve my skills in programming because I want to start my own company in the years to come.

TenTen Ltd.の会社情報

TenTen Ltd.7年間

Software Engineer(インターン)現在

- 現在

Server side engineer, working with a service oriented architecture for micro services based structure, API design and implementation, automated testing and deployment, algorithms design and development, data analysis and processing.

Boundless Drop2年間

Full Stack Web Developer


Design and development of web applications which includes API design and implementation, automated testing and deployment, algorithms design and development.


Full Stack Web Developer


Migrated the web application from PHP to latest Ruby and Rails, development of the website by following the best practices and techniques, automated testing, automated deployments, environment configuration and system administration. Analytics, Metrics and Growth rates: data collection, analysis and visualization.

Petra University - Jordan

Computer Science

Boundless Drop2ヶ月

Web development Intern


I was an intern at the company, The Internship was focused on Linux, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, vim, and git


  • jQuery

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Web Development

  • Ruby

  • JavaScript

  • Git、Algorithm、Infrastructure 他13件




  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • アラビア語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
