
Having eureka moments during hot showers

Hi, I'm Xin Yi. I am an independent and conscientious person interested in digital marketing and events planning. A highly adaptable leader who has shown initiative in her various endeavors. I am also inquisitive and open-minded, while being passionate about music and the social internet.


Operations Assistant


At Wheniwasfour, I had the opportunity to handle a wide range of the business. This includes it's day to day operations like sourcing for suppliers, packaging of products, order fulfillment, administrative work, store retail and customer service. When we engage in partnerships or our own marketing campaigns, I was also able to contribute in the research and content creation (blogs, captions),

Adecco Personnel Pte Ltd5ヶ月

Samsung Mobile Promoter


At Samsung we were thoroughly trained in the best customer service practices and the many capabilities of Samsung mobile devices. Exposure to different working environment allowed us to be adaptable and flexible in the way we promote sales. Working individually have also encouraged me to be more confident when speaking with strangers, so as to effectively persuade them in buying a device.

Cubiz Pte Ltd6ヶ月

Sony Mobile Brand Ambassador


Having worked under Cubiz and Sony before, I was happy to rejoin them after starting University. On the job I learnt how to analyse each customer's individual needs to promote the best mobile device for them. Working independently in different scales of job environment, ranging from telco shopfronts, exclusive outdoor events, to expo shows, allowed me to be adaptable to different audience.

Nanyang Technological University - SPMS6ヶ月

Student Life Admin Assistant


At SPMS I was given many responsibilities which was both eyeopening and educational for me. Mostly I handled the student population's pastoral and welfare care. Organising one-on-one chats with students and providing personalised study plans were a huge part of my job. In addition I was also the school representative for the Undergraduate


  • PR

  • Copywriting

  • Planning

  • Advertising

  • Research

  • Blogging 、Public Speaking、Leadership 他7件



  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 北京語 - ネイティブレベル
