
  • セールス・事業開発
  • 4エントリー

Sales Executive in California State


on 2015/12/22



Sales Executive in California State


薛 悠司

2005年 株式会社リクルートに入社しMVPなど数々の賞を受賞。2011年、Soltec Vietnam Company社を立ち上げ、代表取締役に就任。2012年ITオフショア開発事業のEVOLABLE ASIA CO.,LTD(ベトナム法人)を創業し、代表取締役に就任。2015年3月に同法人を500名体制に拡大させ、 2014年にはソルテックグループの東南アジア展開を促進させるため統括法人としてSOLTEC INVESTMENTS PTE.LTD. (シンガポール法人)を設立し同社代表取締役に就任。2014年 AERA誌の選ぶ「アジアで活躍する日本人100人」に選出される。

吉迫 寿

1989年日本メーカ関連企業にて、『日米共同開発』プロジェクトに参画。1992年アメリカ系CADベンダーに入社を経て、1997年渡米『DataManagement』会社の立上げに及び開発に参画。その後、日本にて現地法人の立上げを行う。2000年日本・中国・韓国での組立て製造業活性化を目的に『Data Analysis&MiningおよよB2Bサイト構築』 企業の立上げにCTOとして参画し、大手製造業のV-Prjに参画『企業再生支援』を行う。後にシナジー効果を計り、同業の上場コンサルティング企業と合併を行いソリューション開発を目的に訪中。Labメンバー30名を率いて開発総責任者として従事の...


吉迫 寿さんのストーリー

平川 和真

早稲田大学商学部在学中に公認会計士試験に合格。2005年に監査法人に入社し、国内企業の法定監査、IPO支援、財務コンサルティング等に従事。2012年にSCS Global Consultingに入社後は、マレーシアを拠点とし、主に日系企業に対し、マレーシア投資調査、国際税務、クロスボーダー組織再編、M&A等のアドバイザリー業務を手がける。2015年からは、ベトナムでEvolable Asia Co Ltd及びSoltec Vietnam ComapanyのCFOとして財務経理を統括するとともに、グループ財務戦略の立案、新規事業立ち上げ等に従事している。


2005年 株式会社リクルートに入社しMVPなど数々の賞を受賞。2011年、Soltec Vietnam Company社を立ち上げ、代表取締役に就任。2012年ITオフショア開発事業のEVOLABLE ASIA CO.,LTD(ベトナム法人)を創業し、代表取締役に就任。2015年3月に同法人を500名体制に拡大させ、 2014年にはソルテックグループの東南アジア展開を促進させるため統括法人としてSOLTEC INVESTMENTS PTE.LTD. (シンガポール法人)を設立し同社代表取締役に就任。2014年 AERA誌の選ぶ「アジアで活躍する日本人100人」に選出される。


Overview of Lab style offshore development: EVOLABLE ASIA IN VIETNAM - We provide a specialized service to Lab style offshore development - - We are the largest Japanese offshore development company in the Southeast Asia - ??WHAT IS THE "LAB STYLE OFFSHORE"?? Customers can pick up your Dev.staff by interpersonal interview. To make "your team" in EVOLABLE ASIA. ★Offering an exclusive complete tailored team  Exclusive Assign  Dedicate in hiring fresh talents for your project.  Pickup people by their true experiences. ★Direct Instruction and Progression Management  100% Customer Controlled Developing Environment  Prevent the “Black Box“  Quick Respond, Instant Result EVOLABLE ASIA going to support.... ①Lab Managers  ・Recruitment planning and recruitment consultation  ・Organization consultation  ・Member motivation management ②Customer Support Staff  ・Supporting the lives of expatriates - business trip customers  ・Operating general affairs, labor, personnel etc. in back office ③Project Assistant  Optional separate fee 2000USD/24hours/month  Supported Area: Ho Chi Minh ④IT Support  ・Consultation of equipment  ・ Helpdesk  ・ Network configurations ********************** EVOLABLE ASIA locate ・Ho Chi Minh HQ About 450 staffs ・Hanoi Branch About 50 Staffs ・Da Nang Branch Just Launched!! ・Operating Labs About 60 companies using Growth in profits 250% up from last year!
About 500 staff working in EVOLABLE ASIA
We are trying to make comfortable office for everyone.


About 500 staff working in EVOLABLE ASIA

We are trying to make comfortable office for everyone.

Overview of Lab style offshore development: EVOLABLE ASIA IN VIETNAM - We provide a specialized service to Lab style offshore development - - We are the largest Japanese offshore development company in the Southeast Asia - ??WHAT IS THE "LAB STYLE OFFSHORE"?? Customers can pick up your Dev.staff by interpersonal interview. To make "your team" in EVOLABLE ASIA. ★Offering an exclusive complete tailored team  Exclusive Assign  Dedicate in hiring fresh talents for your project.  Pickup people by their true experiences. ★Direct Instruction and Progression Management  100% Customer Controlled Developing Environment  Prevent the “Black Box“  Quick Respond, Instant Result EVOLABLE ASIA going to support.... ①Lab Managers  ・Recruitment planning and recruitment consultation  ・Organization consultation  ・Member motivation management ②Customer Support Staff  ・Supporting the lives of expatriates - business trip customers  ・Operating general affairs, labor, personnel etc. in back office ③Project Assistant  Optional separate fee 2000USD/24hours/month  Supported Area: Ho Chi Minh ④IT Support  ・Consultation of equipment  ・ Helpdesk  ・ Network configurations ********************** EVOLABLE ASIA locate ・Ho Chi Minh HQ About 450 staffs ・Hanoi Branch About 50 Staffs ・Da Nang Branch Just Launched!! ・Operating Labs About 60 companies using Growth in profits 250% up from last year!


President dream is【Want to change "Opportunity unequal society"】 ”Emerging markets, there has a problem that suffer structurally. There is a gap of economic disparities and opportunities in the country for sure. Almost results when it is born and born countries have decided, even if the extremely effort, there is a wall that is difficult to climb. I'm not convinced in it. So in order to fulfill the opportunity equality, First I'll thorough in their own company.” From ASENABI Blog(Japanese):http://asenavi.com/archives/6439#i-2 EVOLABLE ASIA President's Final goal is "Change the World"!!!    〜World that No employment discrimination〜   〜World that Talented people is the evaluation〜 


Strong points of Vietnam and EVA ★Resourceful Skill of Vietnamese Work Force  ・Every year 30,000 engineers enter the market.  ・Studied 4 years about programming at university.  ・Working Readiness 99%  ・Many are surpass global equivalents in programming and coding skills. ★Our Company Recruitment Strength  ・Strong Commitment   We are putting great effort on maintaining low turnover rate, to be able to accumulate knowledge by long-term lab continuation. ★Corporate Culture Business Administration  ・Emphasis on Core Values  ・All sorts of events (Kickoff, Company Outing trip)  ・Internal SNS(OZ) <Core Values>  Client is our partner  Have customer satisfied  Fun Fun Funny!!!!  Aim to be No.1 *Vietnam average turnover rateApproximately 20%... EVOLABLE ASIA turnover rate8% or less!


We're looking for a sales executive Responsibilities: B2B Sales -Cold call or jump-in visit to potential clients -Set appointments and execute business meetings -Persuading clients to outsource the function of the development -Be informed of the services’ specifications and information -Identifying clients’ needs -Administrative tasks related sales activity Requirements: -Excellent communicator and creative thinker, with an ability to use both data and intuition. -Self-starter, high level of initiative, proven proactive thinker. -Strong ability to multi-task with results-oriented mindset. -A passion and strong understanding of the industry and our business' mission. -Exceptional language ability in English. *Working with Japanese and Japanese Company. アメリカカリフォルニア州で営業してくれる人募集!! ベトナムのラボ型をアメリカへ羽ばたかせる重要な役目です!! 国籍は問いません。我こそアメリカで戦ってやるという戦士を待っています!



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




  • 海外進出している/
  • 3000万円以上の資金を調達済み/

9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam 4F, Saigon Finance Center