
  • Hostel Staff
  • 23エントリー

Welcome & Help Travelers with Smile!

Hostel Staff

on 2017/02/14



Welcome & Help Travelers with Smile!


橋本 直明

代表取締役社長 1979年生まれ 東京都出身 2002年早稲田大学卒業後、アクセンチュア株式会社に入社。2007年株式会社リクルート旅行カンパニーに転職。2012年4月に退職して世界一周へ。9か月間30か国を旅したのち、2013年1月に帰国。同2月に株式会社トラベリエンスを設立。 趣味は旅。バックパッカー。卒業旅行は東京から飛行機に乗らず陸路のみでアフリカまで旅する。旅した国は70か国以上。イカロス出版「世界一周TRAVELER'S VOICE」双葉社「バックパッカーズ読本」など旅メディア執筆多数。総合旅行業務取扱管理者。観光庁「通訳案内士制度のあり方に関する検討会」委員。

Rodrigo Ramirez

I'm from Argentina, I have over 8 years experience in Web Design, Programming and Online Marketing. In Argentina I was the CEO of a company that offered a Email Marketing Service , I developed the platform offered by the company, also in the same company I developed another service for Social Me...


代表取締役社長 1979年生まれ 東京都出身 2002年早稲田大学卒業後、アクセンチュア株式会社に入社。2007年株式会社リクルート旅行カンパニーに転職。2012年4月に退職して世界一周へ。9か月間30か国を旅したのち、2013年1月に帰国。同2月に株式会社トラベリエンスを設立。 趣味は旅。バックパッカー。卒業旅行は東京から飛行機に乗らず陸路のみでアフリカまで旅する。旅した国は70か国以上。イカロス出版「世界一周TRAVELER'S VOICE」双葉社「バックパッカーズ読本」など旅メディア執筆多数。総合旅行業務取扱管理者。観光庁「通訳案内士制度のあり方に関する検討会」委員。


Located in Tokyo Higashi-Nihonbashi, we runs a guesthouse called “Planetyze Hostel” for travelers around the world. ( https://planetyzehostel.com/ ) With 10 floors building operating accommodation for 104 people, we also serve cafe bar service on the first floor. Concept of our guesthouse is to “Look for your Next Destination in Japan from here!” We provide online guidebook “Planetyze ( https://planetyze.com/en )” to introduce tourism information covered 47 prefectures in Japan through Touch Panel with giant screen display. Through providing tour information to customers such as long-term backpackers from Europe and USA, we look forward to attract travelers to discover more hidden beauty of local areas in Japan. 座落於東京東日本橋的青年旅舍“Planetyze Hostel”(https://planetyzehostel.com/)。 地上10層建物,提供容納104人的住宿服務。 旅舍一樓並設有咖啡吧服務。 我們的營運概念是希望旅客“從這裡啟程探訪日本下個目的地!” 透過大廳的觸控面板與大型屏幕與我們的觀光情報網站“Planetyze“(https://planetyze.com)將全日本的觀光情報介紹給旅客。 目前主要客戶來自長期旅行的背包客,我們希望透過提供旅行相關資訊與建議,傳達給外國觀光客日本各地方的各種魅力!
Featured in TV
Featured in TV




Located in Tokyo Higashi-Nihonbashi, we runs a guesthouse called “Planetyze Hostel” for travelers around the world. ( https://planetyzehostel.com/ ) With 10 floors building operating accommodation for 104 people, we also serve cafe bar service on the first floor. Concept of our guesthouse is to “Look for your Next Destination in Japan from here!” We provide online guidebook “Planetyze ( https://planetyze.com/en )” to introduce tourism information covered 47 prefectures in Japan through Touch Panel with giant screen display. Through providing tour information to customers such as long-term backpackers from Europe and USA, we look forward to attract travelers to discover more hidden beauty of local areas in Japan. 座落於東京東日本橋的青年旅舍“Planetyze Hostel”(https://planetyzehostel.com/)。 地上10層建物,提供容納104人的住宿服務。 旅舍一樓並設有咖啡吧服務。 我們的營運概念是希望旅客“從這裡啟程探訪日本下個目的地!” 透過大廳的觸控面板與大型屏幕與我們的觀光情報網站“Planetyze“(https://planetyze.com)將全日本的觀光情報介紹給旅客。 目前主要客戶來自長期旅行的背包客,我們希望透過提供旅行相關資訊與建議,傳達給外國觀光客日本各地方的各種魅力!


Featured in TV

Featured in TV

Number of foreign visitors from abroad increase rapidly, currently most of the visitors are traveling focusing in golden route (Tokyo- Kyoto -Hiroshima). However, Japan has more hidden beauty to offer to foreigners! It would be a pity just because of lack of information. We would like to provide our assistance to backpackers who may have not yet finalized their tour plan. Through more local tourism information, let them discover the hidden beauty of local areas in Japan! 訪日旅客人數每年不斷增加,目前絕大多數旅客集中在東京-京都-廣島的黃金路線。 日本各地方的獨特魅力若是因為資訊不足而無法傳達給外國旅客就太可惜了! 我們希望透過結合我們的觀光情報,提供來訪日本背包客更多地方旅遊資訊,讓外國旅客前往探尋日本的地方魅力!為日本觀光貢獻一份心力!


Hostel full-time staff are from Taiwan, Thailand, Brazil and USA. Cleaning staff are from Philippines, China, Vietnam, India and Nepal. IT Department staff comes from Argentina, UK, Brazil, Thailand and Taiwan. Come join us and work in a culturally diverse environment! 青年旅社目前所有四名正職夥伴來自台灣、泰國、巴西與美國,其他事務人員來自菲律賓、中國、越南、印度、尼泊爾,IT部門成員亦包括來自阿根廷、英國、巴西、泰國與台灣等地,歡迎你加入!


In February 2017, we started a 10 story guest house in Higashi Nihonbashi (Tokyo) with a maximum capacity of 104 people! We aim to create a new type of accommodation, connected to our already existing web services for foreigners visiting Japan. Come and join us in creating a new type of accommodation and experience. *********Job Opening******* Full time Staff (front desk/ café ) A radiant smile and high communication skills ******************************** Working Holiday visa is welcome! This is our first attempt at managing a guest house, so everything will be a learn as you go along situation. We’re looking for people who’ll enjoy this learning experience with us. If this guest house is a success, we’ll be looking into creating a second or third site. The startup members will be considered for managerial positions in these second or third sites. For somebody who’s thinking of starting a guest house in the future, this is a big opportunity. We look forward to your application! Other job position: 訪日観光客と通訳ガイドを支えるカスタマーサポートを大募集! https://www.wantedly.com/projects/272021



  1. 応募する「話を聞きに行きたい」から応募
  2. 会社からの返信を待つ
  3. 話す日程を決める
  4. 話を聞きに行く




東京都台東区浅草橋2-29-11  マルケービル8F